

Routing utilities for pulsor


npm install @pulsor/location


Use the createRouter function to setup your routes. It will return a TrackLocation Action that you need to hook-up near the top of your app (above the router), then use the Router component where you want the routes to be rendered.


import { createRouter } from '@pulsor/location'

const { Router, TrackLocation } = createRouter({
  routes: {
    '/': <h1>Home page</h1>,
    '/about': <h1>About page</h1>,
    '/contact': <h1>Contact page</h1>,

const app = (
  <main init={TrackLocation}>
    <header>App header</header>
    <Router />
    <footer>App footer</footer>

Client-side navigation

Option 1

import { Navigate } from '@pulsor/location'

const GoToAboutPage = Navigate('/')

const app = (
  <button onclick={GoToAboutPage}>Go to About page</button>

Option 2

import { Link } from '@pulsor/location'

const app = (
  <Link href="/about">About page</Link>

Option 3

import { CaptureLinkClicks } from '@pulsor/location'

const app = (
  <main id="root" onclick={CaptureLinkClicks}>
      <a href="/about">About page</a>