Vite-based development environment to facilitate running and building pulsor apps.
It mostly extends vite, then adds pulsor-specific features.
Huge praise to vite / esbuild for doing the heavy lifting.
For documentation on how to write pulsor apps, checkout the main repo!
Quick start
Install the CLI
npm i -g @pulsor/cli
Create a new app and run it:
# Create new app
echo "export default (
<h1>Hi! 👋</h1>
);" > App.tsx;
# Run it in dev mode
pulsor App.tsx --open;
First line creates a file called "App.tsx" and fills it hello world content. Second line starts the dev server with the "App.tsx" file as the "Root vNode".
Build for prod:
pulsor build App.tsx
Preview prod build:
pulsor serve
Notes on usage:
pulsor <app definition entrypoint>
pulsor App.tsx
The entrypoint resolves like a node module, so you can also do:
// or
pulsor App
// or
pulsor some/path
// which is same as
pulsor some/path/index
// or
// which is same as
pulsor index
The entrypoint file should export the root vNode of your application.
Creating templates
Checkout the vite docs for all non pulsor specific information: https://vitejs.dev/